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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Shoot the boer ruling a "blow to the ANC"

Shoot the boer ruling a 'blow to the ANC': "A ruling by a High Court judge that the lyrics "dubula ibhunu" (shoot the boer) is prima facie incitement to murder and has dealt a major blow to the ANC, organisations have said."

The discriminating song which incites racial hatred in South Africa and which contributes to the killing of white South Africans would never have been allowed in any decent democratic country, where the rule of law applies.

The question then must be raised;
Is South Africa a true "decent" democracy where the "rule of law" applies?

The National Association for the Advancement of Affected People (NAACAP) said;
"The struggle is now against the untouchables - those incompetent, lazy, power-crazy, corrupt government officials and politicians who are failing to deliver to the masses and are too arrogant and ignorant to realise that they can't fool all the people all the time,"

Now the leading political party, the ANC, is appealing the judge's ruling? This is the same party who apparently fought for human rights... or was it really only fighting to "hi-jack" the political leadership role, therefore the countries wealth and resources, for their own benefit?

This does not look like a party that supports human rights but rather a "coupe type" government that forced themselves into power and into the "pound" seats. 

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